Tuesday, September 18, 2012


There but not quite.

Everyone says that the thirtieth is an important milestone because you are at a point where you know what you want in life and you've set yourself up to achieve these goals. I will admit that I do have some goals but I can nary say that I know what I want in life. I can however say with absolute certainty that at thirty, I now know what I do not what in life. And I think this is definitely something worth celebrating. Perhaps another reason for celebrating the thirtieth is that it marks the point in my life where I have spent just about more time as an adult than as a child. It is about at fourteen or fifteen that I started to realize the consequences of my actions and how I would have to live with the choices that I've made. Now that thirty has arrived in full force I am looking forward, very much so, to what this decade has to offer; until the next big zero. I think it will be interesting times and most definitely a life changing decade. Let's see where this journey takes me, already an adult but still lots of growing up to do. 


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